Item Coversheet

ITEM:  PRELIMINARY LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN - 1320, 1326 & 1344 W. Montgomery Avenue and 1291, 1295, 1301, 1309, 1315, 1319 Wendover Avenue, Holy Child School at Rosemont, Rosemont, Ward 6, LD# 3818

Consider for recommendation to the Board of Commissioners approval of a Preliminary Land Development Plan. The Plan prepared by Site Engineering Concepts, LLC, dated November 11, 2019, last revised December 20, 2019, shows the demolition of five (5) single family dwellings (1319 Wendover, 1315 Wendover, 1309 Wendover, 1320 W. Montgomery and 1326 W. Montgomery), consolidation of eight properties including 1291 Wendover and 1295 Wendover which are currently vacant lots and the construction of a carriage house with a 2,478 sq. ft. footprint; an 11,359 sq. ft. addition to the existing gymnasium, an addition with a 1,373 sq. ft. footprint to the Clarke Lobby, the creation of a surface parking lot with 44 spaces, new sports courts that provide 26 auxiliary parking spaces, an artificial turf field and various pedestrian improvements. 


The applicant seeks the following relief which was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission:


a.      Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Code Section 121-5.A.1 — to allow the field to be constructed in one phase and allow the maximum bare areas to exceed twenty-five (25%) percent of the total area at any one time. 


Expiration Date – 2/9/2020…………......................…………………………………Zoning – R2/HROD


Applicant: George Broseman, Kaplin Stewart

Property Owner: Holy Child School at Rosemont          

Applicant's Representative:  George Broseman, Kaplin Stewart


On Monday, January 13, 2020, the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the following conditions:


Township Engineer’s Review:


1.     The Township Engineer’s review letter dated December 30, 2019 shall be incorporated by reference into these conditions of approval to the extent the same is not consistent with these conditions of approval and except as to item B.41, the applicant may provide an indemnity satisfactory to the Township to allow the Final Plan to be recorded prior to the approval of the Planning Module or exemption.




2.     The applicant shall comply with all conditions imposed on Zoning Hearing Board Order 4471.


3.     All signage shall be subject to a separate review for compliance with the Zoning Code by the Zoning Officer.


Historic Resources:


4.     The applicant shall investigate the feasibility of relocating the existing stone pillars on 1320 W. Montgomery Avenue.


5.     The applicant shall investigate the re-use of materials, general features or configurations from the existing carriage houses that are being demolished and integrate shall investigate integrating some of them into the new maintenance/storage building to make it more sympathetic to the residence being retained.


6.     The applicant shall provide documentation of the listed historic resources to be demolished, including a measured footprint, as well as photographs of all elevations and details, including any interior details of architectural note, as per the mitigation recommendations of the Historic Resource Impact Study. All documentation shall be submitted prior to recording the Final Plan.  


7.     The applicant shall utilize the services of an architectural salvage or deconstruction company to preserve or recycle building materials on the existing sites including from the structures and landscape features. Items to be salvaged shall include but not be limited to stone, brick and wood. Architectural details such as windows and interior and exterior details including but not limited to fixtures and any wood, glass and metalwork of quality and good condition shall be salvaged. The applicant shall provide documentation to planning staff indicating how this condition will be met.


Pedestrian Circulation:


8.     A future four (4) wide sidewalk shall be shown along Wendover Avenue on the Final Plan to be installed when required by the Board of Commissioners, subject to applicant's right to request a further deferral or relief at such time.  Street trees and other improvements shall be installed in a manner that will not interfere with the future installation of the sidewalk to the extent that such trees and other improvements can be installed in such a manner given the existing physical conditions in the area in question.




9.  Architectural elevations and renderings of all sides of the proposed building and building additions that the applicant desires to move forward with as part of the Final Plan shall be submitted with the Final Plan and shall include all proposed materials.  Any items not submitted because applicant is not moving forward with the building or building additions shall be provided to staff when applicant desires to move forward with such buildings or additions.


10.  The proposed building(s) shall be constructed substantially as shown on the architectural elevations prepared by Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC dated November 11, 2019 with the exception of any de minimis changes, including those mutually agreed to with staff.


11.  The mean grade of the structures shall be calculated and shown on the Final Plan. The architectural plans shall be coordinated with and shall comply with the grading proposed with this application.


12.  The HVAC/mechanical equipment shall be screened on all sides whether on the roof of the building or on the ground. If located on the roof, the screening shall be integrated into the architecture of the building to improve the appearance and better mitigate noise from the unit(s).


Landscape Plan:


13.  The applicant shall replace consider replacing the Green Giant Arborvitae located in front of the proposed carriage house and at the end of the proposed driveway serving the carriage house with an assortment of native evergreen trees to increase biodiversity and species richness.  


14.  The applicant shall replace consider replacing the deciduous canopy tree labeled as QUB – Quercus bicolor, Swamp White Oak located at the entrance curve into the proposed carriage house driveway with Carpinus caroliniana, American hornbeam.


15.  Existing trees to remain shall be devined.


16.  The applicant shall provide native or non-invasive adapted plant species on the landscape plan.


17.  A landscape plan complying with the applicable sections of the Natural Features Code, Subdivision & Land Development Code Section 135-30 and 155-167.7 and conditions herein shall be prepared and sealed by a Registered Landscape Architect and submitted with the Preliminary Plan.


18.  Landscape improvements provided for this application shall be perpetually maintained in a healthy and/or sound condition in compliance with Natural Features Code Section 101-11. The applicant shall record a covenant on the property in a form acceptable to the Township Solicitor to guarantee this requirement. A draft covenant shall be submitted with the Final Plan.


19.  The plan shall be revised to provide a minimum of two bicycle racks on site.


20.  The applicant shall meet with the EAC to discuss the incorporation of best management stormwater practices into the preliminary landscape plan and promote environmental education.


Stormwater Management:


20. The proposed storm sewer extension in Wendover Avenue shall remain private and an agreement shall be established for maintenance. The language in the agreement shall be subject to the approval of the Township Solicitor prior to recording the Final Plan. The agreement shall incorporate language giving the Township the option to accept dedication of the line in the future if needed to add inlets or further extend the public storm sewers in the area.


21.  The applicant shall note that any storm sewer located in Township right-of-way shall be designed to Township standards.


22.  A plan view detail shall be provided on the plans for basins C2, C3 and C4.  Dimensions shall be provided on the detail sufficient for construction and inspection. The dimensions of the detail shall be consistent with those used for qualification in the stormwater calculations.


23.  The storm sewer profiles shall note the material notes on the Construction Detail sheets for the storm sewer extension in Wendover Avenue shall be revised as RCP to be consistent with the storm sewer profiles. notes on the Construction Detail sheets of the plan.


24.  The horizontal scale shall be clearly noted on each sewer profile in the plan set.


25.  All inlets in non-paved areas shall be graded in a twelve (12”) inch sump condition to increase the efficiency of runoff collection. Spot elevations shall be added to the plan to clarify grading.


26.  Existing inlets and other existing stormwater structures shall be uniquely numbered on the plan for reference. 


Traffic & Circulation:


27.  A post-development traffic study of the intersection of the Wendover Road approach to Airdale Road shall be performed if/when requested by the Township to determine if any mitigation measures are necessary should the intersection degrade from the existing Level of Service ‘C’ to a Level of Service ‘E’ if student enrollment reaches the 400-student permitted capacity. 


28.  If the queuing operation of the school at any time causes an undesirable backup of vehicles onto Montgomery Avenue, adjustments to the starting location of the queue and/or staggering of the arrival/dismissal times shall be performed as directed by the Traffic Safety Unit of the Lower Merion Police Department.




29.  The location of all transformers and utility boxes shall be shown on the Final Plan. Additional utility improvements resulting in material changes to approved plan including but not limited to the loss of required parking, changes to circulation patterns or the alteration of the quantity or location of proposed landscaping shall require an amendment to the approved plan.


30.  The plan shall be revised to include all existing utility connections that are proposed to remain and proposed to be removed on the demolition plan. The demolition notes shall reflect that existing utilities shall be removed in accordance with Township and utility provider requirements. 


31.  The plan shall be revised to include the building utility connections on the landscape plan.


32.  The plan shall be revised to include existing and proposed landscaping on the utility plan.


33.  The applicant shall provide sanitary sewer flow calculations for the purpose of capacity evaluation.


34.  The applicant shall provide surveyor’s confirmation that the utilities shown in the adjacent roadways are depicted accurately since extensive utility work has taken place in the area since the 2017 date referenced in the survey notes.


35.  The applicant shall provide a grease trap on all existing and proposed sanitary sewer laterals that serve the cafeteria or food related services within the building that is proposed to be expanded. 


Construction Details:


36.  The applicant shall note the street right-of-way information as required by Township standards for an Existing Features Plan.


37.  The applicant shall provide a concrete apron for the existing driveway serving 1301 Wendover Avenue.


38.  Additional dimensions shall be added to the plan for the impervious areas proposed. The dimensions shall clarify the areas and shall clearly define the limits of each.


39.  Clarification regarding which trees and which structures are to be removed for each stage/phase of the project shall be clearly provided on the demolition plan.


40.  Specifications shall be provided on the plan for the “resin bond surface crushed stones” that is shown with a thickness of one (1”) inch.  The specifications shall document that the permeability of the design meets the requirements necessary to be considered porous and not be counted toward the impervious totals on the site.


41.  Top and bottom of wall elevations shall be provided for all retaining walls. The type of retaining wall in each location shall be clearly labeled. Calculations shall be provided for any wall heights exceeding four (4’) feet.


42.  A fill material stockpile location shall be provided.  


43.  A certification from a geotechnical engineer shall be provided for the installation of the stabilized access drive to the new field for emergency vehicles. This shall be submitted prior to the use of the fields and finalization of the permits.


44.  A full reveal and depressed granite curb detail shall be provided.


45.  Depressed granite curb and concrete apron shall be clearly indicated and labeled at the driveway access locations on all applicable plan sheets including the Signage and Pavement Marking Plan. The location of existing depressed curb to be raised to full reveal shall be clearly labeled. The length of curb to be raised shall be dimensioned on the plan. The length of depressed curb shall be dimensioned on the plan for all drives.


46.  Notes shall be added to the requested full reveal and depressed granite curb detail that include the following:

a.      The depressed curb height for the driveway shall be ¼ inch for each inch of existing curb reveal.

b.     Any curb replacement shall meet existing curb reveal height.

c.      One foot cut back is needed in the street area where any curb is adjusted and/or replaced. All joints shall be sealed.


47.  An additional concrete support shall be provided mid-span of each section of depressed curb in the driveway area.


48.  The sidewalks shall be clearly shown to be carried across the drives at grade on the Signage and Pavement Marking Plan and other appropriate plan sheets.




49.  The applicant shall show existing trees to be removed and the limits of disturbance on the demolition plan. 


50.  The applicant shall conduct regular street cleaning of all roadways adjacent to active portions of the construction site.  Staff shall have the right to order street cleaning more often if there is evidence of construction related debris in the roadway during the project.


51.  The applicant shall document compliance with the notification requirements of the Federal Asbestos National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and shall submit an Asbestos Abatement and Demolition/Renovation form to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the EPA at least 10 days prior to commencing demolition. Copies of these documents shall be provided to the Township prior to the issuance of a building permit.


52.  The applicant shall submit a demolition plan with the Final Plan. The demolition plan shall indicate how dust and other air particles will be controlled, the procedure for demolishing the buildings and how the demolished building materials will be removed from the site. If asbestos or any other regulated hazardous material exists within the building, it shall be removed and certifications to that effect shall be filed with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Notice of demolition shall be provided by posting of the site at least seven days in advance of the proposed demolition.


53.  During demolition of the existing structures the applicant shall ensure that the contractor takes appropriate measures to minimize dust at all times during active demolition. Multiple hoses and/or a water truck shall be provided on site to continually spray the building during demolition. The demolition plan shall include the specific water measures to be used to reduce the dust during demolition.


54.  The applicant shall submit a parking plan with the Final Plan detailing where construction vehicles will be parked. The plan shall be subject to the approval of the Township prior to the issuance of any permits.


55.  All construction-related vehicles shall be parked on site or at a remote site not in the neighborhood. No construction-related vehicles may park on the street. This includes personal vehicles operated by construction workers or vehicles operated for construction workers, material suppliers, product vendors, and all construction trades engaged in the project.


Standard Conditions of Approval:


56.  An outdoor lighting plan, sealed by a responsible design professional that includes illuminance patterns shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of the Building and Planning Department prior to issuance of any permits. The location, luminaire type, wattage, means of control and pole height shall be indicated. Lighting shall be designed to minimize the off-site transmission of light, to shield the source of illumination and to prevent glare on adjacent properties. Exterior luminaires shall be full cut-off unless it can be demonstrated that cut-off luminaires are more appropriate and will result in less off-site light trespass.


57.  The lighting plan shall be designed to comply with the IECC or the ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 that is in effect at the time of the application.


58.  A deed of consolidation shall be recorded subsequent to the recording of the Final Plan.


59.  The applicant shall install a Knox Box entry system at the exterior of all commercial, institutional and multifamily residential buildings at or near the main entrance to the building and/or at other locations as determined and approved by the Fire Marshal.


60.  If required by a Township Public Safety agency, all new buildings shall have approved radio coverage for emergency responders within the building based upon the existing coverage levels of the public safety communications systems at the exterior of the building.


61.  Any changes to the approved plans shall require the submission of an as-built plan prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Building and Planning staff can waive this requirement if the changes are determined to be insignificant.


62.  New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting on the property. The address numbers shall be a minimum of four (4) inches (102mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7mm).


63.  A copy of the revised plan shall be submitted with any changes highlighted. A letter shall also be provided with the revised plan indicating how each requested revision has been addressed in the re-submission.


64.  The Final Plan, complying with all applicable conditions of approval, shall be filed with the Department of Building and Planning within twelve (12) months from the date of the Tentative Sketch Plan approval by the Board of Commissioners.


65.  The owner shall make payment of fees and expenses of the Township’s professional consultants who perform services on behalf of the Township with respect to these plans and the work contemplated thereunder and will establish and maintain with the Township those escrows for the payment of such fees required by Township Code.  Owner agrees that any statement from the Township for such fees which remain unpaid for a period of 30 days may be recorded against the property as a municipal lien.


66.  The owner shall make payment of the Township Engineer’s inspection fees within 30 days of presentation. A penalty of 1.5% per month will be due for late payments from the date of presentation. If any shares are not paid within 60 days of presentation, the Township may elect to suspend any outstanding permits until all pending charges are settled.


67.  The property owner(s) shall comply with all applicable federal, state, county, local and Lower Merion Township ordinances and laws regardless of specific mention herein.     

Issue BriefingIssue Briefing
Township Engineer's LetterBackup Material
Montgomery County Planning Commission Review LetterBackup Material