Item Coversheet

ITEM:  CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS - 426 West Montgomery Avenue, Haverford - Haverford Station Historic Distirct - 18-09

Consider for recommendation to the Board of Commissioners approval to install three vents on the third floor Old Lancaster Road-facing facade of the stone condominium building, and install a condensate line resembling a downspout. The applicant is also proposing to replace an existing fixed plexiglas window with a casement window to match established standards for window replacements in the building.


On June 5, 2018, the HARB recommended approval of this application as submitted, with an Andersen 400-series aluminum-clad wood window to be used. Placement of the vent openings can be altered as needed with no disturbance of the jack arches above the windows.


This application was originally approved by the HARB on April 3, 2018. Since that time, the applicant's contractor has determined that electrical conduits on the exterior of the building would prevent the vents from being installed in the location originally proposed and approved.