Item Coversheet

ITEM:  CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION - 1010 Spring Mill Road, Villanova, 3751C, Ward 6

Consider for recommendation to the Board of Commissioners approval of a Conditional Use application to subdivide the 12.8-acre lot into four new lots pursuant to the requirements of the underlying RA zoning rather than the Open Space Preservation District as follows:

    A. 1 will retain the existing carriage house and garage and will take access via a proposed driveway extending from an existing common driveway located on 1024 Spring Mill Road.

    B. Lot 2 will retain the existing single-family dwelling and the current North Spring Mill Road access.

    C. Lot 3 contains 7 acres of conserved land.

    D. Lot 4 contains 1 acre of conserved land and will retain an existing single family detached dwelling (previously referred to as the caretaker’s house or coachman’s inn) and shows the construction of a driveway extending from the existing common driveway, which is an extension of Morris Avenue and a private right of way that serves three other properties. A 368-sq. ft. addition to the existing dwelling is also shown.


Expiration Date: 7/31/2018.............................................................................Zoning: R-A/OSPD/HROD


Applicant: George Broseman, Esquire, Kaplin Stewart

Applicant's Representative: George Broseman, Esquire, Kaplin Stewart

Property Owner: David Hoffman


 The Hearing Officer's recommendation is attached. 

Hearing Officer's RecommendationBackup Material