Item Coversheet

COMMITTEE: Building and Planning Committee

ITEM:  PRELIMINARY LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN - 601 & 615 Righters Ferry Road, Bala Cynwyd, Ward 9, LD# 3772

Consider for approval a Preliminary Land Development Plan prepared by Site Engineering Concepts, LLC dated March 16, 2016, last revised June 22, 2017, showing the consolidation of two properties, demolition of two existing warehouse/manufacturing buildings with a portion of the steel structure of the warehouse closest to the existing office building to remain as a canopy over the motor court and Pencoyd Square, a potion of an existing pump house to be repurposed, and the construction of two hotels, one with 124 rooms and one with 138 rooms. The conditions shall be complied with prior to recording the Final Plan by means of plan revision, completion or financial guarantee, unless specifically exempted. The plan includes the following requested relief that has been recommended by the Building & Planning Committee: 


a)   Natural Features Code Section 101-9, to substitute deciduous trees for a portion of the evergreen tree requirement.

b)   Natural Features Code Section 101-5B(2), to disturb soil in an environmentally sensitive area.

c)   Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Code Section 121-4A(1), to permit disturbance of over 25% of the total area of the property at any one time.

d)   Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Code Section 121-10, to grade within 3’ of the property line.

e.   Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Code Section 121-4.A.23, to not provide a buffer along the perennial stream (Schuylkill River) in order to facilitate the recreational trail. 


Expiration Date – 7/30/2017…...........……...............................................Zoning – M-District/HROD

Applicant: Stephen Gibson

Property Owner: Bridgehead, L.P., Footbridge, L.P.

Applicant's Representative: Fred B. Fromhold, Esquire, Fromhold Jaffe & Adams


On Wednesday, July 12, 2017 the Building & Planning Committee recommended approval subject to the following conditions:


Zoning Hearing Board Order & Additional Land Development Applications:


1.       The Zoning Hearing Board order and all conditions imposed under the Order shall be listed on the Final Plan. The Code Section referenced in the Zoning Order on sheet 6 of the plan set shall be updated to Code Section 155-160.


2.       Upon approval of the Final Plan the applicant shall withdraw pending applications 3737 and 3737C.


Township Parcel:


3.       This approval shall apply only to the alternate Township parcel exchange layout plan shown on sheet 6 of the plan set.


4.       The Final Plan shall be consistent with the terms of the Land Transfer Agreement between the applicant and the Township. Approval of this plan shall be subject to the Township’s final approval of the Land Transfer Agreement.


Site Design:


5.       The applicant shall work with staff on the proposed directional signage.


6.       The applicant shall investigate additional ways that the proposed Pencoyd Square  can be physically connected to the existing public gathering space on the adjacent property.


7.       The Emergency Action Plan shall be subject to the approval of the Township’s Emergency Management Coordinator.


8.       Any future extension of the trail through the Aquahab portion of the property constructed by the applicant shall be accessible by the general public.


Architectural Elevations:


9.       The applicant shall present elevations of all sides of the proposed buildings, including materials and renderings, to the Historical Commission prior to recording the Final Plan.


10.   The mean grade of each structure shall be evaluated and shown on the Final Plan. The architectural plans shall conform to the grading proposed on the site plan.


Traffic, Circulation & Parking:


11.   The traffic impact study shall be revised as directed by the Township Engineer to identify  mitigation measures designed to offset the deficient Levels of Service.


12.   The 9 parking spaces located along the trail shall remain landscaped until determined to be necessary by the applicant following the construction of Hotel 2.


13.   The applicant shall investigate providing transit departure information  in each hotel.




14.   The applicant shall work with staff to delineate the trailhead parking spaces with the Cynwyd Heritage Trail logo.


15.   If an opportunity to extend the trail arises in the future, the applicant shall extend the trail to the end of the property. The extension of the trail shall not be subject to Land Development approval but a grading permit shall be obtained.


Stormwater Management:


16.   The applicant shall provide percolation tests  in the  location of the proposed rain gardens after selective demolition of the existing structures (which would occur after recordation of the Final Plan). If the percolation tests do not demonstrate sufficient  percolation then the applicant shall underdrain the rain gardens.


17.   All CMP storm sewer pipe shall be further specified as aluminum or aluminized steel.


18.   Calculations qualifying the erosion control measures shown on the plan shall be provided.


19.   All inlets in non-paved areas shall be graded in a twelve (12”) inch sump condition or such other sump condition as may be approved by the Township Engineer to increase the efficiency of runoff collection. Spot elevations shall be added to the plan to clarify grading.  Grate elevations of all inlets shall be provided.


20.   Redeveloped impervious areas shall pass through an appropriately sized water quality BMP where feasible.


Landscape Plan:


21.   The applicant shall work with staff to ensure that the landscaping proposed along the existing lease line provides an appropriate level of screening.


22.   A landscape plan complying with Natural Features Code Sections 101-9 and 101-5B and conditions herein including any applicable waivers shall be prepared and sealed by a Registered Landscape Architect and submitted to the Township. The plan shall be subject to the approval of Township staff prior to recording the Final Plan.


Construction Details & Utilities:


23.   The applicant shall, in consultation with Township staff and where reasonably feasible, salvage select items and materials for reuse in the project.


24.   The limits of all proposed retaining wall locations shall be clearly shown and a detail of all proposed retaining walls shall be provided. Calculations shall be provided for all proposed retaining wall heights exceeding four (4’) feet.


25.   A fill material soil stockpile location shall be provided.


26.   A note shall be added to the plans that the applicant shall be responsible for maintaining the river retaining wall on the property.


27.   A clear and detailed itemized breakdown of the impervious surface shall be tabulated on the plan.


28.   The hardscape areas, buildings and parking/drive aisles shall be fully dimensioned on the plans and shall be sufficient for installation and inspection. This shall be provided prior to issuance of any permit.


29.   Additional detail is required for the connection of the existing sanitary lateral from the fitness center to manhole No. 1.  The lateral location shall be provided.  Separate approvals from the Public Works Department shall be obtained. The existing on-site system shall be properly abandoned.


30.   The existing manholes shall be uniquely numbered for reference.


31.   Calculations shall be submitted for all storm inlets, conveyance lines and roof drains. The drainage area maps for each shall be submitted.


32.   The location of the fire hydrants shown on the Final Plan shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal.


Standard Conditions of Approval:


33.   The applicant shall submit a demolition plan with the Final Plan. The demolition plan shall indicate how dust and other air particles will be controlled, the procedure for demolishing the buildings and how the demolished building materials will be removed from the site. If asbestos or any other regulated hazardous material exists within the building, it shall be removed and certifications to that effect shall be filed with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Notice of demolition shall be provided by posting of the site at least seven days in advance of the proposed demolition.


34.   During demolition of the existing structures the applicant shall ensure that the contractor takes appropriate measures to minimize dust at all times during active demolition. A hose or water truck shall be provided on site to spray the buildings during demolition.


35.   The applicant shall, where it determines to be reasonably feasible, salvage select items and materials for re-use in the project.


36.   All trash dumpsters and recycling containers shall be enclosed on four sides with a solid material (gate or fixed).


37.   A construction staging plan shall be provided for the project which depicts site access, emergency vehicle access, construction staging areas, safety fencing and contractor, employee and visitor parking during construction.


38.   All proposed mechanical units, whether on the roof or on the ground, shall be visually   screened.


39.   All construction-related vehicles shall be parked on-site or at a remote site not in the neighborhood. No construction-related vehicles may park on the street. This includes vehicles operated by construction workers, material suppliers, product vendors, and all construction trades engaged in the project. 


40.   The location of all proposed transformers and utility boxes shall be integrated into the design and shown on the Final Plan. 


41.   The location of any proposed signage shall be shown on the Final Plan and shall require separate approval from the Township.


42.   The Township Engineer’s review letter dated June 30, 2017 shall be incorporated by reference into these conditions of approval with the exception of items B-32 and B-33 to the extent the same is not inconsistent with these conditions of approval with the understanding that the proposed design will satisfy the requirement for stormwater recharge and with the further understanding that the traffic improvements to be constructed by Righters Ferry Associates is expected to obviate the need for this Applicant to make off-site traffic improvements. Paragraph B-13 shall be modified to require adequate erosion protection at the discharge points. Paragraph C-5 shall be deleted as Norfolk Southern is responsible for maintaining the railroad retaining wall and the Applicant, pursuant to the conditions of approval imposed as part of the Tentative Sketch Plan approval is responsible for maintaining the river wall. 


43.   With the Final Plan submission, two copies of the revised plan shall be highlighted with any changes. A letter shall also be provided with the revised plan indicating how each condition of approval has been met and how each requested revision has been addressed in the re-submission.


44.   Any changes to the approved plans shall require the submission of an as-built plan prior to the final release of the required financial guarantee. Building and Planning staff can waive this requirement if the changes are determined to be insignificant.


45.   New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting on the property. The address numbers shall be a minimum of four (4) inches (102mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7mm).


46.   Information on the sheets to be recorded shall be updated to reflect the current Township land development application number, MCPC file number and the BOC approval date.


47.   The Final Plan, complying with all conditions of approval, shall be filed with the Department of Building and Planning within twelve (12) months from the date of the Preliminary Plan approval.


48.   An outdoor lighting plan, sealed by a responsible design professional, that includes illuminance patterns shall be submitted with the Preliminary Plan. The location, luminaire type, wattage, means of control and pole height shall be indicated. Lighting shall be designed to minimize the off-site transmission of light, to shield the source of illumination and to prevent glare on adjacent properties. Exterior luminaires shall be full cut-off unless it can be demonstrated that cut-off luminaires are more appropriate and will result in less off-site light trespass.


49.   The lighting plan shall be designed to comply with the 2009 IECC or the 2007 ASHRAE Standard 90.1.


50.   If required by the Fire Department, all buildings shall have approved radio coverage for emergency responders within the building based upon the existing coverage levels of the public safety communications systems at the exterior of the building.


51.   The owner shall make payment of fees and expenses of the Township’s professional consultants who perform services on behalf of the Township with respect to these plans and the work contemplated thereunder and will establish and maintain with the Township those escrows for the payment of such fees required by Township Code. Owner agrees that any statement from the Township for such fees which remain unpaid for a period of 30 days may be recorded against the property as a municipal lien.


52.   The owner shall make payment of the Township Engineer’s inspection fees within 30 days of presentation. A penalty of 1.5% per month will be due for late payments from the date of presentation. If any shares are not paid within 60 days of presentation, the Township may elect to suspend any outstanding permits until all pending charges are settled.


53.   The property owner(s) shall comply with all federal, state and applicable Lower Merion Township ordinances and laws regardless of specific mention herein.