Item Coversheet

ITEM:  PRELIMINARY OPEN SPACE SUBDIVISION PLAN - 6 Old Gulph Road, Gladwyne, SD# 3757, Ward 5

Consider for recommendation to the Board of Commissioners a Preliminary Open Space Subdivision Plan prepared by Commonwealth Engineers, Inc. dated June 17, 2016, last revised May 18, 2017 showing the subdivision of a 5.4-acre lot into two new lots and the construction of two single family detached dwellings accessed from a common driveway extending from Old Gulph Road. The plan also contains a 3.8-acre preservation area. The applicant shall comply with all of the conditions of approval. The plan includes the following requested relief that has been recommended by the Planning Commission: 


  • Subdivision & Land Development Code Section 135-28a, to defer the installation of sidewalks along Old Gulph Road.

Expiration Date – 6/30/2017………...............................................Zoning – RA/OSPD/HROD


Applicant: Vaughen Smith

Property Owner: Craig & Barbara Spencer

Applicant's Representative: Daniel S. Coval, Jr., Esquire, Andrew L. Miller & Associates, P.C.


On Monday, June 5, 2017 the Planning Commission recommended approval subject to the following conditions:


Township Engineer’s Review:


1.     The Township Engineer’s review letter dated May 26, 2017 shall be incorporated by reference into these conditions of approval to the extent the same is not inconsistent with these conditions.


Landscape Plan & Mill Creek Valley Conservation Area:


2.     The applicant shall provide a revised landscape plan for the Mill Creek Valley Conservation Area which ecologically and aesthetically integrates the new homes. The landscape plan shall further the purposes of the Mill Creek Valley Conservation Area by screening the proposed improvements and views. The landscape plan shall be subject to the approval of the EAC and completed in consultation with a plant ecologist.  


3.     A landscape plan complying with the Natural Features Code Sections 101-9 and 101-5B, Zoning Code Section 155-167.7 and conditions herein shall be prepared and sealed by a Registered Landscape Architect and submitted with the Final Plan. The landscape plan shall be consistent with the information presented in the Final Plans and Permit Plans.


4.         In order to preserve the meadow the applicant shall consider shifting the no-mow area to the FEMA 100 year floodplain boundary. 


5.        The applicant shall consider and discuss with staff modification to the layout of the houses to make them smaller or shift them closer to Old Gulph Road to preserve as much of the meadow as possible. 


6.           All existing trees on the property to remain shall be devined. Any dead or declining trees shall be removed and replaced as directed by Township staff.


7.     The rain garden shall contain plugs and perennials rather than seed mix.


8.     The rain garden plantings shall be subject to the approval of Planning staff.


9.     The applicant shall provide a maintenance plan specific to the rain gardens to ensure that they are properly maintained. 


10.     The species of the plant material bordering the rain garden shall aid in the function of the rain garden.


11.     The applicant shall all provide native or non-invasive adapted plant species on the Landscape Plan subject to approval of the EAC.


12.  The landscape plan shall be revised to identify any trees to be removed that are outside the area of disturbance.


13.  A fence or plant material shall be provided to visually demarcate the location of the preservation area.


14.  Since a perennial or intermittent stream passes through the site, a stream buffer shall be provided and maintained to a minimum of fifty (50’) feet to either side of the top-of-bank of the channel. The buffer area shall include appropriate native or non-invasive adapted vegetation. Appendix H of the Pennsylvania Handbook of Best Management Practices for Developing Areas shall be used for the plant list.


15.  The wooded lot calculations shall be subject to the approval of the Township Arborist. The total number of trees removed and impacted by the proposed construction shall be listed.


16.  The Maintenance and Operations Plan shall be subject to the approval of Township staff.


17.  The portions of the Preservation area affected by utility improvements shall be fully restored to their original condition once construction is complete.


18.  Fences shall not be permitted through the Preservation area but rather only at the outer tract boundary.


19.  The preservation area shall be permanently delineated with small visible, unobtrusive signs/markers indicating the boundary every 100 feet or change in direction.


20.  A temporary fence shall be installed at the edge of the Preservation area boundary to prevent construction vehicles from encroaching into the area.


21.  The storage of vehicles, equipment and construction materials in the Preservation area during construction shall be minimized except as shown on the plans and in those portions of the Preservation area that are currently paved.




22.  The applicant shall work with staff on the design of the proposed homes to ensure that they relate to the form and scale of the existing neighborhood and complement the architecture within the Mill Creek Valley Conservation Agreement.


23.  The applicant shall investigate shifting the garage a few feet off the front façade.


24.  The garage doors on the home on Lot 2 shall be recessed to create a slight projecting roof. A trellis or similar element shall be provided above the garage doors.


25.  The proposed homes shall be constructed substantially as shown on the architectural elevations prepared by FL Bissinger dated March 2017 except for changes required by these conditions of approval. 


26.  The calculated mean grade of each structure shall be shown on the plan. The architectural plans shall be coordinated with and shall comply with the grading proposed with this application.




27.  The applicant shall keep the area in the public right of way level and clear of vegetation to enable a sidewalk to be installed in the future.


28.  A ladder crosswalk shall be provided adjacent to the stop sign at the intersection of Mill Creek Road and Old Gulph Road.


Stormwater Management:


29.  No required stormwater facilities shall be placed within the relocated sanitary sewer easement.


30.  Cleanout stakes shall be added to the during construction surface basin.


31.  Stabilization matting shall be provided on the banks of the temporary stormwater management systems where side slopes are greater than 1:4. The limits shall be delineated with shading on the plans.


32.  A plan view detail, sufficient for construction and inspection, shall be provided which clearly delineates the size, limits and dimensions of the 490 unit Atlantis Flo-Tank stormwater facility specific for the site. This shall be provided prior to issuance of any grading permit.


33.  The size and number of perforations per linear foot of pipe length shall be specified in the level spreader trench detail. The openings shall be consistent with Township standard requirements for seepage beds.



34.  The applicant shall identify an alternative location for the 30-foot-wide sanitary sewer easement.


35.  The applicant shall investigate placing utilities underground.


36.  Separate permits and approvals shall be obtained from the Public Works Department for each sanitary lateral construction.


37.  The utility easement proposed across Lot No. 2 for Lot No. 1 shall be subject to the approval of the Township Solicitor.


38.  The relocated thirty (30’) foot sanitary sewer easement shall be clearly labeled on Sheet Nos. 3, 4 and 5. The applicant shall present an amended Deed of Dedication for the adjusted easement. A covenant shall be prepared that requires the owners of the lots to pay for the installation of the sewer facilities within the relocated easement if and when requested by the Township. A profile of the line to be constructed shall be submitted as an exhibit for the easement agreement. The final location of the revised easement shall be subject to the approval of the Public Works Department. All easement documents and the corresponding covenant shall be subject to the approval of the Township Solicitor.


Construction Details:


39.  A detail of the crosswalk shall be included on detail sheet No. 1 (Sheet 6 of 9).  High visibility, durable pavement marking material consistent with Township standards shall be specified. The width of the crosswalk shall be 8’-0” minimum. 


40.  The width of the drive opening shall be reduced to 36 feet. The width of the drive at the cartway shall be dimensioned on the plans.


41.  The common drive area allocated to each lot shall be clearly and separately itemized on the plans.


42.  The driveway parking areas/back-up areas shall be clearly dimensioned on the plan to better define the proposed limits.  Dimensions of the decks and porous patios shall also be included.


43.  A detail of the porous paving section shall be provided. The area shall be itemized separately in the impervious tabulation and it shall count toward the impervious allocation unless the cross section meets the Township minimum porous paving requirements.


44.  All construction-related vehicles shall be parked on site, but not within the preservation area or in the area restricted by the Mill Creek Conservation Agreement, or at a remote site. No construction-related vehicles may park on Old Gulph Road or Mill Creek Road. This includes vehicles operated by construction workers, material suppliers, product vendors, and all construction trades engaged in the project.


Plan Requirements:


45.  The bearings and distances for the Preservation areas and all sanitary easements shall be provided on the Record Plan.


46.  The FEMA labels shall be revised to indicate a Lower Merion Township Floodplain limit.  The FEMA Floodplain limits on the property shall be shown and properly labeled.


47.  Impervious allowable for each lot shall be determined using the yield plan. The allowable impervious allocation listed on the Record Plan shall be subject to the approval of the Zoning Officer.


48.  The access easement documents for the common drive shall be subject to the approval of the Township Solicitor.


49.  The Township Engineer’s office must agree with the location of the wetland line field delineation and protection fence location prior to construction of the level spreader or the installation of the sanitary lateral for Lot No. 2.  This shall be noted in the construction sequence.


Standard Conditions of Approval:


50.  Second Stage Plan approval shall be obtained from the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners for Lots 1 and 2 if there are any significant changes as determined by staff. If Second Stage Plans are required, approval shall be obtained prior to the issuance of any permits.


51.  The Township Solicitor shall approve the language of all easements.


52.  New deeds shall be recorded for all units after the Final Plan has been recorded. The following restrictions, to be verified by the Building and Planning Department, shall be placed in all deeds:

· The continued operation and maintenance of all stormwater management facilities are the responsibility of the Homeowner’s Association.

· The units are subject to the restrictions and responsibilities contained in the Maintenance and Operations Plan.

53.  The applicant shall form a Homeowner’s Association that will be responsible for maintaining the common facilities including but not limited to the stormwater management facilities and the common driveway. The Homeowner’s association documents shall be subject to the approval of Township Staff and the Township Solicitor.


54.  An outdoor lighting plan, sealed by a responsible design professional, that includes illuminance patterns shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of the Building and Planning Department prior to issuance of any permits. The location, luminaire type, wattage, means of control and pole height shall be indicated. Lighting shall be designed to minimize the off-site transmission of light, to shield the source of illumination and to prevent glare on adjacent properties. Exterior luminaires shall be full cut-off unless it can be demonstrated that cut-off luminaires are more appropriate and will result in less off-site light trespass.


55.  The lighting plan shall be designed to comply with the 2009 IECC or the 2007 ASHRAE Standard 90.1.  


54.  Any changes to the approved plans shall require the submission of an as-built plan prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Building and Planning staff can waive this requirement if the changes are determined to be de minimus. 


56.  New buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting on the property. The address numbers shall be a minimum of four (4) inches (102mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7mm).


57.  A copy of the revised plan shall be submitted with any changes highlighted. A letter shall also be provided with the revised plan indicating how each requested revision has been addressed in the re-submission.


58.  The Final Plan, complying with all conditions of approval, shall be filed with the Department of Building and Planning within twelve (12) months from the date of the Preliminary Plan approval.


59.  The owner will make payment of fees and expenses of the Township’s professional consultants who perform services on behalf of the Township with respect to these plans and the work contemplated thereunder and will establish and maintain with the Township those escrows for the payment of such fees required by Township Code. Owner agrees that any statement from the Township for such fees which remain unpaid for a period of 30 days may be recorded against the property as a municipal lien.


60.  The owner shall make payment of the Township Engineer’s inspection fees within 30 days of presentation. A penalty of 1.5% per month will be due for late payments from the date of presentation. If any shares are not paid within 60 days of presentation, the Township may elect to suspend any outstanding permits until all pending charges are settled.


61.  The property owner(s) shall comply with all applicable federal, state, county, local and Lower Merion Township ordinances and laws regardless of specific mention herein.


62.  The conditions shall be complied with prior to recording the Final Plan by means of plan revision, completion or financial guarantee, unless specifically exempted. 


The Planning Commission recommended approval of the following: 


  • To relocate the sanitary sewer easement.