Item Coversheet

COMMITTEE: Building and Planning Committee

ITEM:  HISTORICAL COMMISSION - 2017-R-14 : 40 West Montgomery Avenue, Ardmore – Former Suburban Square Strawbridge & Clothier Store – Class 2

Consider for approval modifications to the 1930 retail building, including replacement of all windows (including storefront and upper story metal sash windows), installation of metal canopies above the ground floor, and installation of tenant signage and banners in various locations, including the parapets on the south and east elevations.  On June 7, 2017, the Building & Planning Committee recommended approval of:


  1. LifeTime Fitness/Athletic façade signage, in the revised location in the spandrel between the third and fourth floor windows on the south elevation, and on the east elevation as submitted. To comply with zoning requirements, the signs shall each be reduced in size to 65 square feet or less.  
  2. The banners at the corners of the building, with the stipulation that the applicant will provide a record set of drawings locating the exact positions of all stanchions, base plates, attachments, etc., with a record of the anchors and fasteners to be used. The Commission recommended stainless fasteners and non-corroding anchors.  Banners shall not contain advertising. 
  3. Blade signs along Montgomery Avenue in the number and general location shown, with the same stipulation as the banners. Lighting connections shall be internal to the mounting. Number of signs and depth of projection shall be subject to zoning regulations.
  4. Suspended internally illuminated “West Elm” signage at the corner entrance, in the location and size indicated, with the stipulation that the applicant shall submit information specifying anchors and fasteners for staff review and approval. 
  5. A non-internally illuminated sign in the spandrel between the storefront and glass transom, with the building address in lieu of tenant name, as agreed to by the applicant. 
  6. Standing internally illuminated signage on canopies in three locations.
  7. New canopies as illustrated in the submitted documents, with the stipulations that information regarding non-corrosive anchors and fasteners will be provided for staff review, and that the applicant will provide additional flashing details illustrating the protection of the limestone façade at the point where the canopies will make contact. Included on the requested record set of plans should be the locations of tiebacks for the canopies. 
  8. Façade repairs, as stated in the masonry consultant's report dated January 30, 2017, with the applicant to provide additional information regarding the final mortar material, saw cutting of existing joints, “flexible joint tape” recommended for the coping joint repair, and the product/process to be used for the cleaning of the limestone. Replacement storefront glass from plate to tempered glass, for reasons of life safety.
  9. Vinyl signage applied to the Montgomery Avenue storefront windows, assuming it complies with Township signage standards and zoning.


A subcommittee will be convened consisting of no less than three Historical Commission members to meet on site with a representative of the owner present to assess and decide on the issues around item 8. The subcommittee will also discuss upper story replacement windows, and requests the applicant to submit a drawing of the existing windows in addition to the same information, in larger scale, of the proposed replacement windows. The Committee urges the applicant to consider options that would lessen the height of the sill and provide a more long-lasting perimeter seal to the panning solution proposed.  The Committee further notes that the existing flagpoles on the roofs are to remain.